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Quelch J*, Aden M, Toombs E, Sanders C, Sinoway C, Mushquash C, Barkman L, Deschamps M, Pooyak S, Young M, Gauvin H, Benoit AC. 2025. Understanding the circle of care: Indigenous service providers’ perspectives on health and wellbeing. AlterNative, 22 pages, accepted December 2025. doi: 10.1177/11771801251319274




Roher S*, Martin DH, Yu Z, Pride T, Amirault M, Rand JR, Benoit AC. 2024. How Etuaptmumk/Two-Eyed Seeing is used in Indigenous health research: A scoping review. PLoS One, 19(9): e0310247.


Chambers C, Cooper CL, Kroch AE, Buchan SA, Kendall CE, Kwong JC, Moideddin R, Nguyen L, Arbess G, Benoit AC, Costiniuk CT, Habanyama M, Janjua NZ, Langlois MA, McCullagh J, Moqueet N, Nambiar D, Rueda S, Samji H, Tran V, Walmsley S, Anis A, Burchell AN, COVAXHIV Study Team†. 2024. COVID-19 outcomes in a population-based cohort of people living with HIV and a matched HIV-negative cohort during Omicron variant waves. AIDS Research Letter, 38(10): 1597-1600, 3 pages. doi: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000003922


Fournier C, Rand J, Pictou S, Murphy K, Martin D, Pride T, Amirault M, Cunsolo A, Doucette M, Sheppard DA, Benoit AC, McMillan J, Sylliboy J. 2024. Indigenous Community Engagement Requirements for Academic Journals. AlterNative, 20(1): 243-249. doi: 10.1177/11771801241235051


Hunter Porter NR, Burns N, Benoit AC, Auger J, Maddox R, Jull J, Linton J, Nemeth J, Brascoupé S, Préfontaine N*, Simon D*, Lanceleve T, Herkimer J*, Weber-Pillwax C, George N, Friesen M, Bourque Bearskin L, Morton Ninomiya M. 2024. How Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Indigenous Knowledges are centered in research: An Indigenous-informed realist review protocol. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 18(4): 561-572.


Schmidt RA, Kaminski N, Kryszajtys D, Rudzinski K, Perri M, Guta A, Benoit AC, Bayoumi A, Challacombe L, Hales J, Kenny K, Kolla G, O'Reilly E, Sereda A, Rai N, Strike C. 2023. “I don’t chase drugs as much anymore, and I’m not dead”: Client reported outcomes associated with Safer Opioid Supply Programs in Ontario, Canada. Drug and Alcohol Review, September 18, 2023:1-13. doi: 10.1111/dar.13745




Quelch J, Jackson R, Toombs E, Robinson M, Serghides L, Aker A, Gauvin H, Sinoway C, Barkman L, Mushquash C, Gesink D, Amirault M, Benoit AC. 2023.

Evaluating facilitators' experience delivering a stress-reducing intervention for Indigenous women with and without HIV. Health & Social Care in the Community, vol 2023. doi: 10.1155/2023/9219287


Simon D, Burns N, Hunter-Porter NR, Lanceleve T, Prefontaine N, Herkimer J, Roan S, Auger J, Benoit AC, Morton Ninomiya M, Morton Ninomiya ME, Bourque Bearskin ML. 2023. Embodied in Indigenous research: How indigeneity, positionality, and relationality contribute to research approaches and understanding. Healthy Populations Journal, 3(1): 30-43. doi: 10.15273/hpj.v3i1.11475


Lin JC, Toombs E, Sanders C, Sinoway C, Amirault M, Mushquash CJ, Barkman L, Young M, Deschamps M, Gauvin H, Benoit AC. 2023. Looking beyond the individual – the importance of accessing health and cultural services for Indigenous women in Thunder Bay, Ontario. PLOS One, March 1, 2023. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0282484


Aker A, Serghides L, Cotnam C, Jackson R, Robinson M, Gauvin H, Mushquash C, Gesink D, Amirault M, Benoit AC. 2023. The impact of a culturally-grounded community-based stress management intervention on stress biomarker levels and mental health indicators in an Indigenous community. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, Jan 18 doi: 10.1007/s10865-023-00391-0




Simon D, Auger J, Bourque Bearskin L, Benoit AC, Burns N, Herkimer J, Lanceleve T, Morton Ninomiya M, Roan S, Hunter-Porter NR, Prefontaine N. 2022. Embodied in Indigenous research: How indigeneity, positionality, and relationality contribute to research approaches and understanding. Healthy Populations Journal, accepted October 6, 2022.


Roher SIG, Yu Z, Martin DH, Benoit AC. 2022. Limits and possibilities: Understanding and conveying Two-Eyed Seeing through conventional academic practices. Healthy Populations Journal, 2(2): 13-18. doi: 10.15273/hpj.v2i2.11295 


Chambers C, Samji H, Cooper CL, Costiniuk CT, Janjua N, Kroch A, Arbess G, Benoit AC, Buchan S, Chung H, Kendall C, Kwong J, Langlois MA, Lee S, Mbuagbaw L, McCullagh J, Moineddin R, Nambiar D, Walmsley S, Anis A, Burchell AN, COVAXHIV Study Team. 2022. COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness among a population-based cohort of people living with HIV in Ontario, Canada. AIDS, 36(15): F17-F26, December 2022. doi: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000003405


MacLachlan J, Andersen A, Benoit AC, Nowgesic E, Nixon S. 2022. Developing an accountability framework to support bridging Inuit worldviews and the critical paradigm in qualitative research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 21: 1-13, January - December 2022. doi: 10.1177/16094069221113114


Chambers C, Gillis J, Lindsay J, Benoit AC, Kendall C, Kroch A, Grewal R, Loutfy M, Mah A, O’Brien K, Ogilvie G, Raboud J, Rachlis A, Rachlis B, Yeung A, Yudin M, Burchell AN, for the OHTN Cohort Study Team†. 2022. Low human papillomavirus vaccine uptake among women engaged in HIV care in Ontario, Canada. Preventive Medicine, 164: 107246. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2022.107246


Aker A, Whitworth KW, Bosson-Rieutort D, Wendling G, Ibrahim A, Verner MA, Benoit AC, Caron-Beaudoin É. 2022. Proximity and density of unconventional natural gas wells and mental illness and substance use among pregnant women: an exploratory study in Canada. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 242: 113962. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2022.113962


Lee RS, Brown HK, Salih S, Benoit AC. 2022. Systematic review of Indigenous involvement and content in mental health interventions and their effectiveness for Indigenous populations. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 56(10): 1230-1251. doi: 10.1177/00048674221089837



Kodeeswaran J, Campaigne M. Benoit AC. 2022. “I'll struggle, and I'll fall…I'll have my days, but it's okay” Indigenous women surviving the sixties scoop. International  Indigenous Policy Journal, 13(1). doi: 10.18584/iipj.2022.13.1.13570



Moses C, Brown HK, Prabhakar P, Eltayeb N, Benoit AC. 2021. Systematic review of interventions addressing suicide among Indigenous adults and reporting Indigenous-specific content and involvement in the interventions, 18(3): 445-454. AlterNative. doi: 10.1177/11771801221117164





Nicholson V, Bratu A, Mcclean A, Jawanda S, Aran N, Hillstrom K, Hennie E, Cardinal C, Benson E, Beaver K, Benoit AC, Hogg R, Jaworsky D, Building More Bridges Research Team. 2021. Indigenizing our Research: Indigenous Community Leadership in HIV Epidemiology Research. Accepted to the International Journal of Population Data Science, 6(1): 1386. doi: 10.23889/ijpds.v6i1.1386.


Roher S, Yu Z, Martin D, Benoit AC. 2021. How is Etuaptmumk/Two-Eyed Seeing characterized in Indigenous health research? A scoping review.  PLoS ONE, 16(7): e0254612. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0254612.




Benoit AC, Jaworsky D, Price R, Whitebird W, Benson E, Nowgesic E, Nicholson V, Ranville F, Loutfy M, Beaver K, Zoccole A, Nobis T, Kellman C, Jackson R, O’Brien-Teengs D, Walsh T, Keshane M, Tom J, Tynes T, Brennan E, Giles S, Hanuse B, Campbell D, Paul D, Samji H, Hull M, Masching R, CANOC Collaboration, and Building Bridges Team. 2020. Building Bridges: Describing a Process for Indigenous Engagement in Epidemiology. JH Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 14(4): 461-470. doi:10.1353/cpr.2020.0051.


Benoit AC, Burchell AN, O’Brien KK, Raboud J, Gardner S, Light L, Beaver K, Cotnam J, Conway T, Price C, Rourke S, Rueda S, Hart TA, Loutfy M. 2020. Examining the association between stress and antiretroviral therapy adherence among women living with HIV in Toronto, Ontario. HIV Research & Clinical Practice, 21(2-3): 1-11. doi: 10.1080/25787489.2020.1763711.


Mbuagbaw L, Hajizadeh A, Wang A, Mertz D, Lawson DO, Smieja M, Benoit AC, Alvarez E, Puchalski Ritchie L, Rachlis B, Logie C, Husbands W, Margolese S, Zani B, Thabane L. 2020. Overview of systematic reviews on strategies to improve treatment initiation, adherence to antiretroviral therapy and retention in care for people living with HIV: part 1. BMJ Open, 10(9): 1-11. doi: 10.1136bmkopen-2019-034793.




Kaida A, Carter A, Nicholson V, Lemay J, O'Brien N, Greene S, Tharao W, Proulx-Boucher K, Gormley R, Benoit A, Bernier M, Thomas-Pavanel J, Lewis J, de Pokomandy A, Loutfy M, on behalf of the CHIWOS Research Team. 2019. Hiring, training, and supporting Peer Research Associates: Operationalizing community-based research principles within epidemiological studies by, with, and for women living with HIV. Harm Reduct J, 16(1):47. doi: 10.1186/s12954-019-0309-3.


Benoit AC, Cotnam J, Beaver K, Greene S, O’Brien-Teengs D, Zoccole A, Loutfy M. 2019. Racism experiences of Urban Indigenous women in Ontario, Canada: “We all have that story that will break your heart”. The International Indigenous Policy Journal, 10(2):1-27. doi: 10.18584/iipj.2019.10.2.1




Jaworsky D, Ranville F, Nicholson V, Price R, Kellman C, Benson E, Tom J, Ding E, Raboud J, Samji H, Masching R, Loutfy M, Benoit AC, Hogg RS, Brennan E, Giles S, Rachlis A, Cooper C, Machouf N, Tsoukas C, Hull M, on behalf of the Building Bridges Team and the Canadian Observational Cohort (CANOC) collaboration. 2018. Antiretroviral therapy treatment interruption among Indigenous Peoples living with HIV in Canada – A Building Bridges study guided by community. Journal of Indigenous HIV Research, 9:22-37.


Mbuagbaw L, Mertz D, Lawson D, Smieja M, Benoit AC, Alvarez E, Puchalski Ritchie L, Rachlis B, Logie C, Husbands W, Margolese S, Thabane L. 2018. Strategies to improve adherence to antiretroviral therapy and retention in care for people living with HIV: a protocol for an overview of systematic reviews. BMJ Open, 8(9): e022982. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-022982.


Logie CH, Lacombe-Duncan A, Wang Y, Kaida A, Conway T, Webster K, de Pokomandy A, Loutfy MR et al (Benoit AC). 2018. Pathways From HIV-Related Stigma to Antiretroviral Therapy Measures in the HIV Care Cascade for Women Living with HIV in Canada. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes. Feb 1;77(2):144.


Bekele T, Collins E, Maunder RG, Gardner S, Rueda S, Globerman J, Le TL, Hunter J, Benoit A, Rourke SB. 2018. Childhood adversities and physical and mental health outcomes in adults living with HIV: Findings from the Ontario HIV Treatment Network Cohort Study. AIDS Research and Treatment. March 1, 1-40. doi: 10.1155/2018/2187232.


Xavier CG, Benoit AC, Brown HK. 2018.Teenage pregnancy and mental health beyond the postpartum period: A systematic review. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 72(6): 451-457. doi: 10.1136/jech-2017-209923.


Xavier CG, Brown H, Benoit AC. 2018. Teenage pregnancy and long-term mental health outcomes among Indigenous women. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 21(3): 333-340. doi: 10.1007/s00737-017-0799-5.




Du Mont J, Kosa D, Macdonald S, Benoit A, Forte T. 2017. A comparison of Indigenous and non-Indigenous survivors of sexual assault and their receipt of and satisfaction with specialized health care services. PloS One, 12(11): e0188253. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0188253.


Loutfy M, de Pokomandy A, Kennedy VL, Carter A, O’Brien N, Proulx-Boucher K, Ding E, Lewis J, Nicholson V, Beaver K, Greene S, Tharao W, Benoit A, Dubuc D, Thomas-Pavanel J, Sereda P, Jabbari S, Shurgold JH, Colley G, Hogg B, Kaida A. on behalf of the CHIWOS Research Team. 2017. Cohort profile: the Canadian HIV Women’s Sexual Reproductive Health Cohort Study (CHIWOS). PloS One, 12(9), e0184708.


Blitz S, Antoniou T, Burchell A, Walmsley S, Light L, Gardner S, Rourke S, Cooper C, Kendall C, Loutfy M, Rachlis A, Wobeser W, Benoit A, Raboud J. 2017. The use of multistate models to examine associations of stress and adherence with transitions among HIV care states observed in a clinical HIV cohort. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 76(3): 303-310. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000001493.


Benoit AC, Younger J, Beaver K, Jackson R, Loutfy M, Masching R, Nobis T, Nowgesic E, O’Brien-Teengs D, Whitebird W, Zoccole A, Hull M, Jaworsky D, Benson E, Rachlis A, Rourke S, Burchell AN, Cooper C, Hogg R, Klein M, Machouf N, Montaner J, Tsoukas C, Raboud J, on behalf of Building Bridges, and the Canadian Observational Cohort Collaboration. 2017. Increased mortality among Aboriginal persons in a multisite cohort of people living with HIV in Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 108(2): e169-e175. doi: 10.17269/cjph.108.5708.


Rachlis B, Burchell AN, Gardner S, Light L, Raboud J, Antoniou T, Bacon J, Benoit A, Cooper C, Kendall C, Loutfy M, Wobeser W, McGee F, Rachlis A, Rourke SB & On behalf of the Ontario HIV Treatment Network Cohort Study. 2017. Social determinants of health and retention in HIV care in a clinical cohort in Ontario, Canada. AIDS Care, 29(7): 828-837. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2016.1271389.




Benoit AC, O’Brien-Teengs D. 2016. Indigenizing research practices: Two Indigenous researchers share their experiences of incorporating Indigenous culture into research. Canadian Journal of Aboriginal Community-Based HIV/AIDS Research, 8: 3-15.


Benoit AC, Younger J, Beaver K, Jackson R, Loutfy M, Masching R, Nobis T, Nowgesic E, O’Brien-Teengs D, Whitebird W, Zoccole A, Hull M, Jaworsky D, Benson E, Rachlis A, Rourke S, Burchell AN, Cooper C, Hogg R, Klein M, Machouf N, Montaner J, Tsoukas C, Raboud J, on behalf of  Building Bridges and the Canadian Observational Cohort Collaboration. 2016. Virologic suppression and viral rebound for Aboriginal persons compared to Caucasian persons initiating combination antiretroviral therapy in a multisite cohort of individuals living with HIV in Canada. Antiviral Therapy, 22(4): 325-335. doi: 10.3851/IMP3114.


Benoit AC, Cotnam J, Raboud J, Greene S, Beaver K, Zoccole A, O’Brien-Teengs D, Whitebird W, Balfour L, Wu W, Loutfy M. 2016. Experiences of chronic stress and mental health concerns among urban Indigenous women. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 19(5): 809-823. doi: 10.1007/s00737-016-0622-8.


Crouzat F, Benoit AC, Kovacs C, Smith G, Taback N, Sandler I, Acsai M, Barrie W, Brunetta J, Chang B, Fletcher D, Knox D, Merkley B, Sharma M, Tilley D, Loutfy M. 2016. Time to viremia for patients taking their first antiretroviral regimen and the subsequent resistant profiles. HIV Clinical Trials, 17(1): 1-11. doi: 10.1080/15284336.2015.1111555.


Jaworsky D, Benoit A, Raboud J, O’Brien-Teengs D, Blitz S, Rourke SB, Burchell A, Loutfy M, and the Ontario Cohort Study Research Team. 2016. Comparison of coping strategies and supports between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people living with HIV in Ontario. AIDS Care, 28(1): 63-69. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2015.1061634.




Burchell AN, Gardner S, Light L, Ellis B, Antoniou T, Bacon J, Benoit AC, Cooper C, Kendall C, Loutfy M, McGee F, Raboud J, Rachlis A, Wobeser W, Rourke SB. 2015. Implementation and Operational Research: Engagement in HIV care among persons enrolled in a clinical HIV cohort in Ontario, Canada, 2001-2011. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 70 (1): e10-19. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000000690


Abelsohn K, Benoit AC, Conway T, Cioppa L, Smith S, Kwaramba G, Lewis J, Loutfy M, and the Ontario CHIWOS Research Team. 2015. “Hear(ing) new voices”: Reflections from a Community Based Survey Development Process with Women Living with HIV. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 9(4): 561-569. doi: 10.1353/cpr.2015.0079.




Crouzat F, Benoit A, Kovacs C, Smith G, Taback N, Sandler I, Brunetta J, Chang B, Merkley B, Tilley D, Fletcher D, Kalaria D, Loutfy M. 2014. Time to virologic failure for patients taking their first antiretroviral regimen and the subsequent resistance profiles. [Conference Abstract]. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 17 (4 Suppl. 3): 19757.


Aljassem K, Raboud JM, Hart TA, Benoit AC, Su D, Margolese SL, Rourke SB, Rueda S, Loutfy MR, and the OHTN Cohort Study Team. 2014. Gender differences in severity and correlates of depression in people living with HIV in Ontario, Canada. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care, 15(1): 23-35. doi: 10.1177/2325957414536228.


Benoit AC, Light L, Burchell AN, Gardner S, Rourke SB, Wobeser W, Loutfy MR, and the OHTN Cohort Study Team and the Ontario CHIWOS Research Team. 2014. Demographic and clinical factors correlating with high levels of psychological distress in HIV-positive women living in Ontario, Canada. AIDS Care, 26(6): 694-701. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2013.855301.


2009 - 2005


​Benoit A, Huang Y, Maneewatchararangsri S, Tapchaisri P, and R Anderson. 2007. Regulation of airway eosinophil and neutrophil infiltration by alpha-galactosylceramide in a mouse model for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine-augmented disease. Vaccine, 25(45): 7754-62. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2007.08.062


Benoit AC, Huang Y, Proctor J, Rowden G, and R Anderson. 2006. Effects of alveolar macrophage depletion on liposomal vaccine protection against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 145: 147-154. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2249.2006.03114.x


Daftarian P, Mansour M, Benoit A C, Pohajdak B, Hoskin D, Brown RG, and MW Kast. 2006. Eradication of established HPV 16-expressing tumors by a single administration of a vaccine composed of a liposome-encapsulated CTL-T helper fusion peptide in a water-in-oil emulsion. Vaccine, 24(24): 5235-5244. doi: 



Daftarian P, Pohajdak B, Benoit A, Mansour M, Hoskin D, Brown R, and MW Kast. Eradication of Large Palpable HPV 16 Expressing C3 Tumors by Single Dose Vaccination with a CTL-T Helper Fusion Peptide and CpG in VacciMax®. 2005. [Abstracts: Abstracts for the 20th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Biological Therapy of Cancer: [Turning immunization into tumor regression: obstacles and strategies]. November 10-13, Alexandria, Virginia. Journal of Immunotherapy, 28(6): 655. doi: 10.1097/01.cji.0000191087.12523.b2


Kaczmarska I, Beaton M, Benoit AC, and L Medlin. 2005. Molecular phylogeny of selected members of the Order Thalassiosirales (Bacillariophyta) and evolution of the fultoportula. Journal of Phycology, 42: 121-138. doi: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2006.00161.x


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